mercoledì 25 dicembre 2024
Ustica: Il Mig 25 foxbat con il dc9 sotto controllo Marsala Naldini e Nutarelli no
AA450 50 speed in nodi 1677.1
MiG-25 "Foxbat" Technical Data.
MiG-25 Custom Flight Package.
MiG-25 Album MiG-25 Flight Prices
MiG-25 Picture AlbumWhen the US Air Force began developing the B-70 bomber capable of delivering nuclear weapons to the Soviet Union whiletraveling at Mach 3 at altitudes over 70,000 ft, the Soviets started planning a new super-fast, high-altitude interceptor. Though the B-70 project was eventually abandoned, the MiG-25 program continued, eventually producing the fastest fighter in the world.
The MiG-25 is designed only for high-altitude fight and has correspondingly terrible low-level performance and dogfighting characteristics. Although reconnaissance and defense suppression variants of the MiG-25 were developed, the aircraft's range of applications has always been limited.
As a result, Mikoyan Gurevich later designed an improved MiG-25, the MiG-31, with improved low-level performance for use in more common attack fighter roles. An interesting note is that the first air-to-air kill of the Gulf War is believed to be a US F/A-18C Hornet shot down by an Iraqi MiG-25 on 17 January 1991.
Data below for MiG-25PD
First Flight (Ye-155R-1) 6 March 1964
(Ye-155P-1) 9September 1964
Service Entry
1966 (?)
CREW: 1 pilot
Wing Root TsAGI SR-12S
Wing Tip TsAGI SR-12S
Length 78.15 ft (23.82 m)
Wingspan 45.98 ft (14.02 m)
Height 20.02 ft (6.10 m)
Wing Area 662 ft2 (61.52 m2)
Empty 44,090 lb (20,000 kg)
Typical Load unknown
Max Takeoff 80,950 lb (36,720 kg)
Fuel Capacity internal: 32,895 lb (14,920kg)
external: unknown
Max Payload
4,000 lb (1,800 kg)
Powerplant two Soyuz/ Tumanskii R-15BD-300afterburning turbojets
Thrust 49,400 lb (220.0 kN) with afterburner
Max Level Speed at altitude: 2,110 mph (3,390 km/h) at 42,650 ft (13,000 m), Mach 3.2 [clean]
1,865 mph (3,000 km/h) at 42,650 ft (13,000 m), Mach 2.83 [loaded]
at sea level: 650 mph (1,050 km/h), Mach 0.85
Initial Climb Rate 40,950 ft (12,480 m) / min
ServiceCeiling 67,900 ft (20,700 m)
absolutealtitude: 123,524 ft (37,650 m) [world record]
Range typical: 935 nm (1,730km)
ferry: 1,390 nm (2,575 km)
g-Limits +4.5
Gun none
Stations four external hardpoints
Air-to-AirMissile up to two R-23/AA-7 Apex, up to fourR-60/AA-8 Aphid, up to two R-40/AA-6 Acrid, or up to four R-73/AA-11Archer
Air-to-SurfaceMissile Kh-58 Kistler (MiG-25BM only)
Bomb unknown (MiG-25RB only)
Other reconnaissance cameras (MiG-25R only)
Lebanon (Syria, 1982)
Gulf War (Iraq, 1991)
Iraq - Operation Southern Watch (Iraq, 1991-present)
Iraq - Operation Desert Fox (Iraq, 1998)
Russian AirForce
La traccia AA450 diventa AJ450, è il Mig 25 Foxbat che Marsala vede col dc9 aj421. Naldini e Nutarelli LG403 non sono sotto controllo Marsala
20.58.10 4 AJ450 50 -87.504 +94.820 0.0000 0.0000 36937. 46 17 05 0 0 1 0
20.58.33 8 AJ450 50 -86.879 +94.832 0.0000 0.0000 36937. 46 06 05 0 0 1 0
20.58.35 7 AJ450 50 -86.879 +94.832 0.0000 0.0000 36937. 46 06 05 0 0 0 0
20.58.47 0 AJ421 21 +24.254 +115.12 479.13 165.53 26437. 46 17 05 0 0 1 0 11
20.59.20 4 AJ450 50 -85.199 +94.313 221.69 207.38 36937. 46 17 05 0 0 1 0
20.59.57 4 AJ421 21 +27.238 +107.28 479.13 165.53 26437. 46 17 05 0 0 1 0
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